
Five nights in anime comic butt dick
Five nights in anime comic butt dick

five nights in anime comic butt dick

Fridge Logic: Possibly unintentional, but Mangle is pulling off a 'boobs-and-butt' pose - a pose where the character is standing with their back to the camera but with their torso twisted to look at the camera and make their bust visible as well.Creator's Favorite: Mairusu admits Mangle is his favorite above all other animatronics.This is supposed to be a Lighter and Softer version of Mangle hanging on the ceiling and blaring static at you in FNAF 2. Dissonant Laughter: When Mangle gets into your office in 2, she, like BB, sits on your desk and giggles at you.World of Buxom: The girls are all stacked as hell, Chica in particular is almost comically huge.Ĭlick here to see Foxy's redesign The more elusive and sly animatronics that lurk within their own respective coves.Yandere: In When Freddy-Chan Visits, Freddy gives this vibe, especially when she calls the nightguard "Senpai".Suddenly Speaking: While Freddy is completely silent in the games, she speaks in When Freddy-Chan Visits.

five nights in anime comic butt dick

They still have fatally high libidos and very jiggly breasts. It's never explicitly stated the animatronics are made to sexually entertain customers, plus they have a Barbie Doll Anatomy, so they could just be Eye Candy rather than actual sexbots. Completely subverted in the second game, where she's an active threat.While in the first game Freddy won't move from her stage at all note Unlike her FNAF counterpart., she still will kill you if the power goes out. Now they're just cute and perverted fembots. Lighter and Softer / Hotter and Sexier: In FNAF, these abominations were horrifying mucus-leaking monsters encased in metal and wanting your blood.The Immodest Orgasm: Evident during their jumpscares when they're pleasuring themselves in front of you.Gender-Blender Name: Freddy's name was kept the same despite being a girl.Dissonant Laughter: This replaces Freddy's jingle when she's about to kill you after you run out of power.Composite Character: Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica share the FNAF 1 animatronics' names and behaviors, but they share the FNAF 2 animatronics' designs.Big Bad: Freddy is this for the first two games and When Freddy-Chan Visits.Barbie Doll Anatomy: The girls lack nipples, but since they wear panties, it's possible they have genitals.All Women Are Lustful: Every animatronic is looking to dig around in your pants.Here, they are happy, friendly, and just wanna have some "fun". Adaptational Nice Guy: The original animatronics were possessed by the spirits of vengeful children who were willing to kill any adult foolish enough to take the night guard job.Click here to see Chica's redesign The primary three animatronic attractions of Freddy's Anime Convention, the girls are very playful and perverted during the night where they hunt the night watchman and get a bit too rough.

Five nights in anime comic butt dick